• Pātai Kārangaranga

He aha ngā wā huaki?

Wā huaki Redwoods Treewalk

Rāhina 23 Mahuru 2024 – Āmua

9.00AM – 10.30PM (11 PM, Rāhoroi)

^Ngā wā e āhei te hoko tīkiti.



Tīkiti Redwoods Tūāpō

E rua ngā kōwhiringa mō te Tūāpō – Urunga Aro Whānui rāua ko te Taha Hohoro.

  • Ko te Urunga Aro Whānui te kōwhiringa pūharu i waho i ngā wāhanga pukumahi o te tau. E whakamana ana i ēnei tīkiti mō te kotahi tau mai i te rā hoko ai te tīkiti.
  • Nā te Taha Hohoro ka āhei koe te tāpuitia i te rangi rāua ko te wā o tō urunga, ko tēnei te kōwhiringa pūharu mō ngā wā pukumahi o te tau.

Kia mōhio, nā te taenga mai o te marea, me tāria ki roto rārangi mō te kotahi hāora, neke atu rānei.

Hei āwhina, taihoa kia auina iho. Ko te whakaaro o te marea ki tae mai hei te tōnga ō te rā. Kia mahue i te roa o ngā rārangi, me tae mai  nō muri i te pō.

Ka whakakāngia i ngā rama hei te tōnga ō te rā.

Mō te wā ka tō te rā, titiro ki tēnei whārangi.

Mo ngā whakarerekētanga, titiro mā runga i te whārangi Pukamata.

Wā huaki Tairanga

Ka tuwhera a Redwoods Altitude ia ra – haereere i te 10.00am , me te 1.00pm

ME tāpuitia mo te Redwoods Tairanga.

Ka kati ngā wheako e rua mō te rā o te Kirihimete (25 Hakihea)

Mā wai te Redwoods Treewalk?

Mā te katoa! Anei  ngā Tikanga Whakahaere.

Me whaitake te whiti o te hunga manuhiri, me āhei hoki te hīkoi mō te katoa o te wheako me te kore āwhina. Mai te kōhungahunga, ki te taipakeke.

Kia auaka te hiki tamariki, me hīkoi, me noho ki roto waka pēpi rānei. Whakapā mai ki tētahi kaimahi ki te pirangi waka pēpi, me te mōhio i te tokoiti o ngā waka. Kei kore he waka e wātea, me tatari.

Kia 120kg mōrahi te taumaha o te tangata.

Me mau hū i ngā wā katoa.

Kaore hoki ngā kuri te taea te uru.

Mā wai te Tairanga?

Heipūtanga Whakauru

  • Ko ngā kaikuhukuhu me wētia ki waenganui I te 30 me te 120 manokaramu.
  • Kia 140 mitarau noa iho te iti o ngā tamariki.
  • Tāpiri atu ki ngā tamariki 8 – 12 te pakeke, me kuhu hoki he matua neke atu i te 16 tau hei noho haepapa mō te tamaiti.
  • E āhei te rangatahi mai te 13 ki te 15 tau te uru kore pakeke, engari me haina te kaitiaki I te whakakāhoretanga,
  • Kāore te wahine hapū e āhei te kuhu, kāore hoki te āhei te kuhu me he manauhea. Pērā i te toto pōrutu, te maniania o te manawa, tuara, kaki rānei, te mauiuitanga mai te āmai. Whakapā mai ki tētahi kaimahi ki te whakautu pātai
  • Me pungatia te makawe me ngā mea tawēwē.
  • Mau hū tāpatu matikara.
  • Kei kore te kai te inu rānei. Whaihoki, he Auahi kore.
  • Ka peau te tangata haurangi.
  • Me mārama i ngā kupu o ngā kaiarahi, ano hoki me whai I ngā ture.
  • Me mau kākahu tika mō te huarere  (Koti mō te ua, poraka mō te makariri.)

He aha te Urunga Aro Whānui rāua ko te Taha Hohoro?

Mai te whakahoki kōrero o te manuhiri, i whakarewangia mātou i tētahi kōwhiringa hou mō te Tūāpō i te Mahuru o 2023.

E rua ngā kōwhiringa –

Urunga Aro Whānui (Pae Tukutuku, ISite) – Te Ao, Te Pō rānei. Ka whakamana mātou i ēnei tīkiti mō te 365 rā mai te hokonga o te tīkiti. Kaore e tautuhi ana i te rangi, te wā rānei o tō urunga. Utu paerewa

Taha Hohoro (Pae tukutuku anake) – Ka āhei te *Tāpuitia* i tō Tūāpō, te rangi rāua ko te wā e hiahia ana koe, me tāpiri noa iho i te $5 ia tangata. Tokoiti ngā tīkiti Taha Hohoro mō ia pō. Ka momotu ia 20 miniti mai te tōnga ō te rā mō te 1 hāora anake. Te kōwhiringa pūharu mō rātou whai hōtaka i ngā wāhanga pukumahi o te tau.

Kei te pukumahi tonu mātou, kaore ano kua maru te haere mai rānō i te timatanga o te Raumati. Me tatari rā ka tika.

Hei tohutohu mō te Urunga Aro Whānui – taihoa kia auina iho. Ko te whakaaro o te marea ki tae mai hei te tōnga ō te rā. Kia mahue i te roa o ngā rārangi, me tae mai  nō muri i te pō.

I te taenga mai, e rua ngā rārangi – kotahi mō te Urunga Aro Whānui, kotahi mō te Taha Hohoro.

Hoko Tīkiti

E hia te utu mō te Redwoods Treewalk Mā te Rā, te Tūāpō, te Tairanga rānei?

Redwood Treewalk Mā te Rā (Urunga Aro Whānui)

Ka āhei te hoko tīkiti i tō taenga, ehara te mā te tāpui noa iho. Ko tēnei te kōwhiringa pūharu i waho i ngā wāhanga pukumhi o te tau.

Te Ao, Te Pō rānei / E rua E rua (Urunga Aro Whānui)

  • Pakeke (16+ Tau): $40 / $65
  • Tamariki (5-15 years): $25 / $40
  • Whānau (1 Pakeke, kia 3 ngā Tamariki): $85 / $129
  • Whānau (2 Pakeke, kia 3 ngā Tamariki): $115 / $189
  • Nohinohi (Ki raro I te 5 tau): Kore Utu
Hoko Tīkiti

Tūāpō (Taha Hohoro)

Mai te Taha Hohoro ka āhei koe te tāpuitia i tētahi rangi, rāua ko te wā o tō urunga. Te kōwhiringa pūharu i ngā wā pukumahi o te tau (kei te pukumahi tonu mai te Raumati).

  • Pakeke (16+ Tau): $45
  • Tamariki (5-15 years): $30
  • Whānau (1 Pakeke, kia 3 ngā Tamariki): $105
  • Whānau (2 Pakeke, kia 3 ngā Tamariki): $135
  • Nohinohi (Ki raro I te 5 tau): Kore Utu


E momotu ana ngā tāpoi hei te 10.00AM me te 1.00PM, me tāpuitia mō tō urunga.

  • Takitahi (10+ Tau): $115 9mai te $139)
  • Whānau (1 Pakeke, kia 2 ngā Tamariki): $299 (mai te $349)
  • Whānau (2 Pakeke, kia 2 ngā Tamariki): $399 (mai te $449)

Pahekotanga Mātātoa

Tairanga + Taha Hohoro + Redwoods Treewalk Mā te Rā mō te kore utu!

  • Takitahi (10+ Tau): $165
  • Whānau (1 Pakeke, kia 2 ngā Tamariki): $430
  • Whānau (2 Pakeke, kia 2 ngā Tamariki): $570

Āhea te whakakāngia o ngā rama, mō te Redwoods Tūāpō?

Hei te pō ka tūramatia kia 34 ngā ramaroa I hoahoa ai e David Trubridge, tāpiri atu kia 40 ngā rama kara whakahipahipa. Ka kauparetia ai hei hīkoi rerekē hei te pō.

Ka whakakā I ngā rama mō ia pō hei te kākarauri o te rā. Kia ako tonu, haere ki te wharangi mō te Redwoods Tūāpō.


Pārongo hou mō te Tīkiti Tūāpō

E rua ngā kōwhiringa mō te Tūāpō – Urunga Aro Whānui rāua ko te Taha Hohoro.

  • Ko te Urunga Aro Whānui te kōwhiringa pūharu i waho i ngā wāhanga pukumahi o te tau. E whakamana ana i ēnei tīkiti mō te kotahi tau mai i te rā hoko ai te tīkiti.
  • Nā te Taha Hohoro ka āhei koe te tāpuitia i te rangi rāua ko te wā o tō urunga, ko tēnei te kōwhiringa pūharu mō ngā wā pukumahi o te tau.

Kei roto tonu mātou i ngā wā pukumahi, timata ana mai te Raumati. Mō ngā tīkiti Urunga Aro Whānui, me tatari ia pō neke atu i te kotahi hāora.

Hei āwhina, taihoa kia auina iho. Ko te whakaaro o te marea ki tae mai hei te tōnga ō te rā. Kia mahue i te roa o ngā rārangi, me tae mai  nō muri i te pō.

He pārongo mō ngā kura.

E pīrangi ana koe te pekaina me tō tira wharekura ki Redwoods Treewalk, ki Tairanga rānei? Kino kē tēra whakaaro!


 Kua kaingākautia nei e ngā akonga e ngā pouako – mai te reanga kura tuatahi, ki te reanga mātauranga matua, i te rohe o Rotorua. Inā hoki kua kite i te rahinga o te rohe e āhei ki te ako, inā noa atu mō rātou e whai mātauranga ki roto i te  mātai matawhenua me te ahumahi tāpoi. He rohe ahi tipua, he rohe ngāwha tō Rotorua e kōhuretia i tōna āhua rerekē ki rohe kē. He hītori hauroa tō te ahumahi tāpoi ki Rotorua, anō hoki he rohe kikī ana i te ahurea Māori.

Tūhurahia kia pēhea te whakatapokongia i ngā pakihi e whaipānga ki te marautanga a ōu akonga, ka mutu,  ki ngā rauemi ako!

Ko te Rotorua Visitor Centre & isite te kāinga o te tini o ngā pakihi auaha o te ahumahi tāpoi ki roto o Aotearoa. Ka whakaataatangia i tēnei āhuahanga ki roto i te manawanui o ngā pakihi tāpoi e hāngai ana ki te mātauranga, kia whakatūtaki i  te matainaina o ngā akonga, o ngā pouako, ma te whakarawea i ngā mohiohio, i ngā rauemi e whaipānga ki te marautanga o ngā akonga kei ia reanga.

Whakapā mai mā runga info@treewalk.co.nz (9 AM – 4 PM, Hāora o te tari) whakapā rānei ki Rotorua Education Network ki te whai mohiohio.


Me hoko tīkiti aua atu?

ME tāpuitia mā runga pae tukutuku mō te Taha Hohoro rāua ko te Tairanga.

Ka āhei te hoko tīkiti Urunga Aro Whānui I runga I te pae tukutuku I mua I tō taenga, kia haere tōtika ki te tomokanga. Ka āhei hoki, te hoko tīkiti Urunga Aro Whānui i tō taenga mai. Ka hoko ēnei ki roto i te Redwoods ISite, ēngari, kaore ēnei tīkiti e tautuhi i te rangi rāua ko te wā o tō urunga.


Ka āhei te tamariki te kōhungahunga rānei te uru??

Ehara Ehara!

Engari, kaore te hīkina o te tamariki, te mau ki roto pīkau, ki roto okooko rānei. Ka mautohitia I te kaupapa here marutau o te Treewalk. Me hīkoi te tangata I te katoa o te 700 mita Treewalk kore āwhina.

Heoi, he wātea te whakamahi waka pepi kua hanga hei āhuatanga motuhake o te pakihi nei. Kia mōhio hoki, kei tauparea tō urunga nā te tokoiti o ēnei rawa. Ki te kore tētahi e wātea, me tatari.

Ka akuakutia ngā waka pepi whai muri o tana whakamahi.

Ka āhei te kuri ki runga Treewalk?

Ko te mea whakarapa, kaore te kuri e āhei te eke ki runga I te Treewalk te Tairanga rānei. I runga I te mea he maha ngā wahanga e neke ana. Whakaputa tūraru mō te waewae o te kuri. Anō hoki, kaore te katoa o ngā tangata e rata ki te kuri, me whakaute I te āhuru o ngā manuhiri katoa. Heoi, ka āhei te kuri ki roto I te ngahere whanui, (me mau taura here) I runga I tērā ka āhei te hikoi kuri tētahi, mā te roopu e piki atu I te Treewalk te Tairanga  rānei. He papa rēhia hoki mō te kuri ki tērā atu taha o te rori.

Me mau kākahu pēhea nei?

E whaipukutia ana mātou i ēnei kākahu –

He hū pātiki mō te Treewalk (ka taea te mau hānara waewae, ēngari kāore ko te waewae anake), tāpiritia hoki he koti/tarau rānei mō te makariri.

He hū pātiki hoki mō te Tairanga, anō nei me pakari rā ka tika ngā hū mō te haerenga ki roto ngāhere. Mau hoki he koti/ tarau roa i ngā rā makariri. He whakaaro hoki kia mau karapu i te hotoke, te mea ai ka mau koe ki tētahi karapina konganuku.

Kāore te panekoti (Ahakoa te roa) te kākahu arotau mo ēnei wheako, i te mea, kua tairangatia ngā whēako e rua mai te whenua ki ngā rākau.

Ka āhei te hoko tīkiti koha?

Ae ka hokohoko mātou I ngā tīkiti koha mai I te pae tukutuku o te Redwoods Treewalk. He maha ngā tīkiti rereke, ka āhei te karere ki te kaihoko, ki te kaiwhiwhi rānei. Me mōhio, ka āhei te hoko noa iho mai I te pae tukutuku, kaore te taea mai I te I-SITE.


Ka āhei te uru me te Tūru Wīra?

Nau mai ki te eke ki te pourangi matua me te kore utu. Engari kaore ka taea te tūru wīra te haere tonu ki runga I ngā arawhiti. Kei riri mai, mō te māniania.


Hope everyone is having an amazing school holiday so far! 🎉 

Just a reminder that we're buzzing at night! 🌙 

🎟️ You can always grab General Admission tickets (day or night) online or on-site. 
🎟️ Fast Pass (night) is available online only and sells out quickly—don’t miss out! ⚡ 

#SchoolHolidays #NZSchoolHolidays
NZ school hols are here, whānau! Which means nighttime will be busier 💫 

Our pro tips ••• 

⭐️ Opt for a Fast Pass (online only)
⭐️ General Admission tickets (online & on site), arrive closer to our last tix sold times to avoid a lengthy wait

🌷 Treewalk Spring hours 
9 AM - 10.30 PM (Sun - Fri)
9 AM - 11 PM (Sat)
This week is #ITPAwarenessWeek, where we help raise public awareness for the rare blood autoimmune disease #ImmuneThrombocytopenia or ITP and shine a light on the ITP patient experience 💜

ITP is a rare autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks platelets. Platelets assist the blood to clot, and ITP patients have a low platelet count. ITP impacts approximately 1 in 10,000. It affects children and adults, and there is no cure. No single test is currently available to determine whether a person has ITP, and for most people, there is no known cause.

ITP Australia and New Zealand’s mission is to provide up-to-date information, education, support and advocacy for ITP patients and the ITP community. From Monday the 23rd of September through to Saturday the 28th of September the Horoeka Lantern will be lit purple to show our support for ITP Australia and New Zealand and the ITP community.
Did you know that from our inception we have strived to minimise our environmental footprint? 🌏
This is reflected in the construction techniques used to build the Treewalk - renewable, durable materials such as the macrocarpa timber that our platforms are constructed of and the innovative timber material our David Trubridge night lights are made from ✨
Day time walks in the forest 😍 
Safe to say we’re obsessed with the early morning light we get through the trees ☀️
How good is that afternoon light through the trees, though!! 🤩☀
Happy spring, whānau! ☀️🌸🌱
The forest in the rain is the perfect balance of tranquility and vibrance 🌿
How good have these winter mornings been? We LOVE the morning light we get at Treewalk 😍🌿
THREE Redwoods experiences! 🌲

Nighttime (with Fast Pass entry) + @altitude.nz + daytime @treewalknz #getamongstit
  • Did the new Redwoods Altitude experience! Absolutely amazing! Enjoyable! Safe! Adventurous! Sam (our guide) was an wealth of insight, experience & fun! A must do!!!

    Rotorua, New Zealand  
  • Coolest place ever! We went at dusk so did half of the walk in the day time and the other half in the semi dark when all the night lights were on! Was such a beautiful walk and loved every moment! The staff were super informative and nice. I will definitely be back in the future!

    Whangarei, New Zealand  
  • What an asset to Rotorua. The beauty and peaceful feeling when walking around the heights was beautiful. Thank you to our guide Izumi

    The Fullers
    Tirau, New Zealand  
  • The Redwood Forest is just stunning... The lights are just incredible and it is such a beautiful thing to be walking so high in the trees. We also went back the next day and walked around the forest - still gorgeous. Would definitely recommend.

    Hamilton, New Zealand  
  • This is a highlight in Rotorua. Super friendly and helpful staff. Amazing walk high through the trees. Take the high road if you dare! It's worth it.

    Auckland, New Zealand  
  • The Redwoods Altitude tree walk is beyond amazing! It was the highlight of our tiki tour of the North Island, and if you’re a wee bit terrified of heights, it was life changing. We felt so safe while being challenged well beyond our comfort zones. The guides are great, very encouraging.

    Auckland, New Zealand  
  • "perfection" This experience was a true 10/10 for us. The perspective and views it offers of the grove are spectacular and unique. The actual bridge crossings and zip-lining very quickly went from potential impediments to accentuating the experience. Our guides, Jordan and Nicole, were the absolute best. If you were on the fence, go for this one. It's incredibly clear that the altitude team is there to make sure your experience will be like ours -- spectacularly unforgettable.

    Pennsylvania, USA  